Nuraisah Nuraisah


This research is motivated by the still weak competence of teachers in making learning implementation plans, implementing learning processes, and implementing learning evaluations. The purpose of this study is to improve teacher competency by using supervision of class visits to the application of cooperative models in learning. This research was conducted at 011 Pondok Gelugur Elementary School with a total of 6 teachers. The type of research to be carried out is the School Action Research (PTS) which is focused in an effort to change the current real conditions towards the expected. The results showed the teacher's competence in preparing the RPP in the first cycle got a value of 73.3 with enough categories while in the second cycle increased to 87.6 with a very good category. Competence in the implementation of the learning process in the first cycle got an average value of 75.4 good categories while in the second cycle increased to 86.0 with a very good category. The competence of implementing learning evaluation in the first cycle got an average value of 74.4 with enough categories while in the second cycle increased to 88.0 with a very good category. It can be concluded with the supervision of class visits can improve teacher competency in learning by applying a cooperative model in SD Negeri 011 Pondok Gelugur.


supervising class visits, cooperative models, teacher competencies


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JURNAL PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)

Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
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