The background of this research is that no standard instrument can measure the ability of HOTS PGSD students in lectures
in high-class mathematics education. This study aims to develop HOTS instruments that are valid, effective and practical.
This research is development research. The results of this study were 1) produced valid devices based on expert judgment, 2)
HOTS instruments produced were also effective in terms of increasing the HOTS category of PGSD students from the low
category up to the medium category, and 3) HOTS instruments categorized as very practical both from faculties of lecturers
and students. This research implies that this instrument can be used as a standard measurement tool in knowing the ability of
HOTS PGSD students.
in high-class mathematics education. This study aims to develop HOTS instruments that are valid, effective and practical.
This research is development research. The results of this study were 1) produced valid devices based on expert judgment, 2)
HOTS instruments produced were also effective in terms of increasing the HOTS category of PGSD students from the low
category up to the medium category, and 3) HOTS instruments categorized as very practical both from faculties of lecturers
and students. This research implies that this instrument can be used as a standard measurement tool in knowing the ability of
HOTS PGSD students.
Instruments; HOTS; mathematics; PGSD
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JURNAL PAJAR (Pendidikan dan Pengajaran)
Program Studi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar
Gedung B1, FKIP Universitas Riau
Kampus Bina Widya Km. 12,5 Simpang Baru Panam
Pekanbaru Riau Indonesia 28293
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