This research is motivated by the problem of the low ability to read the beginning of students, so that the SAS method is applied so that it can help students in the success of reading the beginning. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in pretest and posttest by applying structural analytical synthetic(SAS) in reading the beginning of elementary school students and to determine the increase in pretest and posttest in reading the beginning of students. This type of research is a pre-experimental type of pretest-posttest one group design, which is an experiment that is only carried out in only one group, without comparison. This study was conducted in class 1 with 34 students. Based on the results of the study it was found that the average reading ability before being treated (pretest) was 51.77 while the average reading ability after treatment (posttest) was 88.41 and the average value of gain normality was 0.76 which including the high category and the results of hypothesis testing using t-test with tcount=51.080 and ttable=2.0345 can be concluded tcount>ttable, then reject H0 means significant. This means that there is an increase in initial reading in class I students who are significant between before (pretest) and after (posttest) applying the Structural Analytical Synthetic (SAS) method.
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