Carinih Carinih


Learning methods applied in schools are still conventional which limit the development of students' abilities and skills. This study seeks to improve students' critical thinking skills through the learning method of think pair share. The research was carried out at class VII.2 in SMPN 5 Singingi with total subjects were 24 students. The research design used classroom action research. The instrument used was a teacher and student action observation sheet and a test of critical thinking skills. The results showed an increase in teacher actions in the first cycle with a percentage of 72% with the category quite increased. In the second cycle, there were 83% with a good category, increased student activity from cycle I by 75% with enough categories in the second cycle to 88% which is a good category.Then, the results of critical thinking skills students test in the first cycle was  65% with a good category which increased in the second cycle to 77% which is included in the good category. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the think pair share method can improve the critical thinking skills of students in class VII.2 of SMPN 5 Singingi.


critical thinking skills, think pair share, discussion method


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