Asriadi Asriadi


This research was motivated by the students’ low ability in communication. Considering the small number of students, it seemed appropriate to apply Everyone is a Teacher Here learning strategy so that students became active in learning process, especially in speaking. This research was a classroom action research conducted to sixth grade students at SDN 020 Karya Tani, Kecamatan Kempas. There were 7 students consisting of 2 male students and 5 female students. The instruments used in this research were observation sheets and the speaking ability. The results showed that the average score of the students' speaking ability in cycle I was 69.71% which was in the medium category. Then, in the second cycle, it increased to 82.85% which was in the high category. Based on the research results, it was concluded that Everyone is a Teacher Here learning strategy improved students' speaking skills.


speaking skills, everyone is a teacher here


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